Meet the Fates Bread Co: A little one-kitchen-witch operation in the heART of sunny Phoenix Arizona.
It all began with the basics: water, flour, yeast and salt…and love - because sometimes the most wonderful things are also the simplest joys, and right there in front of us all along.
It’s what inspired me to embark on this journey in the first place… hot bread fresh out of the oven shared with a side of laughter, a little butter.. and a whole lotta love. I have a passion for nurturing people with the food I create and time spent around a table together. It’s priceless, and so important to pause and savor gratitude and community.
I hope the heART that comes out of this little kitchen nourishes and fills you with this happiness as well.
You deserve it.
xx -
How to Order:
Small batch breads and sundries created fresh to order in my Phoenix Home Kitchen
We run on a First Come, First Baked basis.
Preorders Only:
All orders will need at least a 48 hr window t/o the week.
We are located in the Encanto District of Phoenix AZ for pickup (p/u directions sent with invoice)
Scheduled Pickup Available weekly, see order form for details
Delivery: We offer limited donation-based delivery within a 10-ish mile radius of DTPHX
Order minimum for delivery must be $20. Tips are appreciated for our drivers!
See order form for current availability
“Share the Loaf” Pay it forward Program:
You can now donate a Bread or Sundry to a friend of your choosing, or send an anonymous donation and we will Pay the Loaf Forward to a lucky Fates Co Customer!
Simply specify how you would like your donation used in the comment box of our order form and we will confirm availability.
Delivery or pickup coordination for specific requests will be confirmed via email, and delivery is available within a 10 mile radius from DTPHX only, and a $5 charge will be automatically applied for delivery service.
Let's build a bigger and better community together, one bite at a time. <3
We accept Zelle, Paypal and Venmo
We will send an invoice with payment info, pickup location/delivery window upon order confirmation.
Payment due in full *upon invoice*
‼️ Please add to your address book so our emails don’t get lost in the spam vortex ‼️
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for teasers, behind the scenes and more!
How to enjoy and store
your Fates Co Breads & Sundries:
Made with real ingredients by real hands. No Preservatives and No Bullshit. We don’t do perfection - we do love.
PSA: We are ‼️NOT‼️ a food-allergy friendly or gluten-free kitchen. We do not offer gluten free bread at this time - sorry GF buddies! We do offer 🌿Vegan goods & indicate these choices on every menu. We create with wheat, gluten, soy, dairy, nuts, seeds and more in one tiny cottage kitchen. While we would make Mr Clean proud, we cannot guarantee there will be no cross-contamination of ingredients.
If you have a specific food allergy, please email us if you have any questions!
Each loaf is individually crafted and literally mixed !! by hand !! per order !! by a real human in A Phoenix Home Kitchen, and weigh in at 3-5 lbs of carby love! No mixers, no machines….only one gas oven, one loud stereo, and heART rocking ideas, flavors and love every day.
All our Sundries are magicked into existence by a real kitchen witch and are bits and bobs we enjoy at our own table quite often.
We recommend you slice, bag and store your bread in the refrigerator upon arrival. It toasts up beautifully, and takes a little longer to crisp due to the sheer amount of dense awesomeness in each loaf.
Can be refrigerated up to 2 weeks & frozen up to a month if stored properly. [Pro tip: if you freeze your Fates Bread, pre-slice and place a piece of wax paper between each slice and double bag or vacuum seal. Then pop out a slice or two when you need and send directly to the toaster or grill.]
All sundries should also be refrigerated and enjoyed by date marked.
Thank you for your support
and we hope you enjoy every bite.